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chonlky boi lower receiver for Bear Creek side charing upper

3d printing custom guns 1.9MiB Aug. 26, 2022, 3:28 p.m.

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This lower is designed to work with a bear creek arsenal side charging upper.
It requires
-1x AR FCG
-1x carbine buffer tube kit (no castle nut or back plate)
-1x buffer detent and spring
-1x usgi mag release
-1x bolt hold open
-1x ar pistol grip
-1x 3-48 1.5” screw (for pinning the bolt hold open in place)
-4x 6-32 2” socket head screws (for reinforcing back section)
-1x 6-32 1” socket head screw (for reinforcing the pistol grip)
-1x 8-32 square nut and 5/8” 8-32 socket head screw (for indexing the buffer tube)
-2x ¼” 1.5” long screw posts or hitch pins

LBRY Tags: ar lower; lower; ar