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Stubbs Stick Grenade Pack

Stubbs Customs 3.8MiB June 12, 2024, 7:38 p.m.

ATF Form 1 Destructive Device Grenade

This is a combination pack of every stick grenade released up to May 2024.

It includes:

-The standard BN39 Nebelhandgranate, the smoke version of a standard M24 grenade.
-The BN43, a top fuse version, much like the M43 stick grenade made to use the same fuse as the Eirhandgranate.
-A modernized M1915 stick grenade

As well as added parts:
-An M1917 style canister head with belt clip for the BN39
-M228 fuse adapters for the BN39 and BN43 to use small pistol primers instead of DIY friction fuses
-An M1913 kugel ball grenade head and adapter for the M1915

All of the other items save for the M1915 percussion grenade are prior releases. The M1915 takes the most work and has been delayed the longest.

LBRY Tags: grenade; stick; smoke; stubbs; nebel