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Slip Trip V3
The slip trip is nothing more then a trip "bar" for the MP5 platform that enables most
if not all mp5s and clones to work with ar15 parts that require a full auto bolt carrier
like the super safety or SFFA.
The slip trip functions by sliding on the rails of the receiver while being pulled by the
bolt carrier, it doesn't require any special modifications and will work with any bolt
carrier including semi only cut BCs. When a round is fired and the bolt carrier comes
back the slip trip will collapse on itself so it wont have any noticeable affect on
rate of fire, recoil impulse and will not create additional wear on the receiver.
Huge credit goes to hertzofheimer and meatbanana42069 for their original designs
and feedback that has enabled this version to exist. This was created from the Trip
clip step file and other files from that pack have been referenced for measurements.
----------Warning about metal slip trips------------
The printed slip trip is designed around pla pro not metal so making it
in metal will end up making it weigh at least 6x as much as one printed
in pla pro. The durability of a printed slip trip should be well past
1000 rounds even with below average print settings. Good print
settings in something like nylon that is printed slow, hot and then
annealed should outlast any metal SS cam currently on the market.
This added weight from making the slip trip in metal can cause the
slip trip to slam forward into the lever potentially damaging the SS
lever or CAM. I would recommend you all to just print slip trip in PLA
pro or nylon as intended. Regardless of what i say i know people will
attempt to have them made in metal so i will be releasing a metal
version on my odysee @s3igu2 so look around for that version if you
must make it in metal. That said please do not attempt to make the
version of this slip trip in this pack in metal.
Note: that if your are using a AP5 or AP5K the slip trip will most likely need to be
filed in some areas to fit past the full auto bolt carrier group block.
-------Materials Required-------
The Slip trip will require about 15 grams of PLA Pro filament no additional hardware is needed
-------Print Settings-------
Everything is designed to work in PLA Pro or Polymaker PA6-CF
if you want a more high temp option, see my odysee guide
@s3igu2 for exact settings if you plan to print in polymakers pa6-CF.
STL files are orientated correctly and have brims / supports where needed
(STEP files are NOT orientated correctly)
Temp: 220/60C (PLA PRO)
Nozzle: 0.4mm
First Layer Height - 0.20 (Or 0.15)
Layer Height - 0.15
Wall Loops - 4 Walls Max
Infill - 100% Rectilinear
No supports are needed on any of the parts unless you use the "No Support" version of
the housing or the "No Brim" version of the selector located in the Other folder
The slip trip is nothing more then a trip "bar" for the MP5 platform that enables most
if not all mp5s and clones to work with ar15 parts that require a full auto bolt carrier
like the super safety or SFFA.
The slip trip functions by sliding on the rails of the receiver while being pulled by the
bolt carrier, it doesn't require any special modifications and will work with any bolt
carrier including semi only cut BCs. When a round is fired and the bolt carrier comes
back the slip trip will collapse on itself so it wont have any noticeable affect on
rate of fire, recoil impulse and will not create additional wear on the receiver.
Huge credit goes to hertzofheimer and meatbanana42069 for their original designs
and feedback that has enabled this version to exist. This was created from the Trip
clip step file and other files from that pack have been referenced for measurements.
----------Warning about metal slip trips------------
The printed slip trip is designed around pla pro not metal so making it
in metal will end up making it weigh at least 6x as much as one printed
in pla pro. The durability of a printed slip trip should be well past
1000 rounds even with below average print settings. Good print
settings in something like nylon that is printed slow, hot and then
annealed should outlast any metal SS cam currently on the market.
This added weight from making the slip trip in metal can cause the
slip trip to slam forward into the lever potentially damaging the SS
lever or CAM. I would recommend you all to just print slip trip in PLA
pro or nylon as intended. Regardless of what i say i know people will
attempt to have them made in metal so i will be releasing a metal
version on my odysee @s3igu2 so look around for that version if you
must make it in metal. That said please do not attempt to make the
version of this slip trip in this pack in metal.
Note: that if your are using a AP5 or AP5K the slip trip will most likely need to be
filed in some areas to fit past the full auto bolt carrier group block.
-------Materials Required-------
The Slip trip will require about 15 grams of PLA Pro filament no additional hardware is needed
-------Print Settings-------
Everything is designed to work in PLA Pro or Polymaker PA6-CF
if you want a more high temp option, see my odysee guide
@s3igu2 for exact settings if you plan to print in polymakers pa6-CF.
STL files are orientated correctly and have brims / supports where needed
(STEP files are NOT orientated correctly)
Temp: 220/60C (PLA PRO)
Nozzle: 0.4mm
First Layer Height - 0.20 (Or 0.15)
Layer Height - 0.15
Wall Loops - 4 Walls Max
Infill - 100% Rectilinear
No supports are needed on any of the parts unless you use the "No Support" version of
the housing or the "No Brim" version of the selector located in the Other folder