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Don't you love 3D Printed guns? Why not make a 9mm AR pistol while you can.
This model uses the Firebolt lower (BEST 3D printed lower out there).
It matches the lower perfectly, plus gives youa. chonker aesthetic.
print yours now!
Just replace the buffer tower on the Firebolt with the one included.
This wouldnt be possible without some spooky characters (https://twitter.com/Spooky3DPG) and an amazing friend which makes some crazy looking guns (https://twitter.com/9mmjunky), LeadFarmer provided inspiration, ammo, time, and dimensions for this thing to be, can't thank she/her enough.
LBRY Tags: ar; fosscad; fucktheatf; printguns; thegatalog
Don't you love 3D Printed guns? Why not make a 9mm AR pistol while you can.
This model uses the Firebolt lower (BEST 3D printed lower out there).
It matches the lower perfectly, plus gives youa. chonker aesthetic.
print yours now!
Just replace the buffer tower on the Firebolt with the one included.
This wouldnt be possible without some spooky characters (https://twitter.com/Spooky3DPG) and an amazing friend which makes some crazy looking guns (https://twitter.com/9mmjunky), LeadFarmer provided inspiration, ammo, time, and dimensions for this thing to be, can't thank she/her enough.
LBRY Tags: ar; fosscad; fucktheatf; printguns; thegatalog