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Non NFA Supressed Handgun Prototype Teaser

Stubbs Customs 180.1KiB Aug. 3, 2022, 9:26 p.m.

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This is a gun that started off as a theoretical I came up with.

The prototype does not use fixed ammunition as defined by the GCA and therefore would not be a firearm as regulated by the NFA.

This gun uses a separare 22lr projectile, powder, and 209 shotgun primer, installed separately in the breech face.

The breech face is a drilled bolt, making up the metal weight and strength of the gun.

The integrated supressor is not removeable, but must be disassembled to load the gun.

Despite not being a firearm subject to the undetectable firearms act, the gun uses a bolt as the reciver that meets the minimum metal content.

Despite not being a firearm, the barrel is rifled.

Despite not being a firearm, nor being a supressor, it is reccomended not to make any spare parts for the moderator.

After the rough prototyping stage I will work on making improvements for things like sights and a stock.

LBRY Tags: silencer; 3d print; welrod; grackle; stubbs