Release image

Shortstack Special Knuckleduster

Laffs Dynamics 2.4MiB Dec. 1, 2024, 5:38 p.m.

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"Shortstack Special" Knuckleduster: Laffs

A compact knuckleduster to give a lil love tap to the noggin, perfect to slip into a pocket when you're goin into some shitstain places.

Smol and thiCC like my ex girlfriend; would give her the ol' corkscrew'n all over again.

Comes in two variants:

*Solid Filled

Printer Used: Ender 3 V2

Filament Used: PLA+

Print Settings:

Extruder: 218C
Bed: 56C
First Layer Print Height: .2mm
Standard Layer Height: .16mm
Wall Thickness: .40
Wall Perimeters: 7
Infill: 75%

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; knuckleduster; shortstack; melee; 3d2a; c:disable-slimes-video; c:disable-reactions-comments; c:disable-reactions-video; c:disable-slimes-comments