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HandyDandy's Cannon - EXPERIMENTAL

@dogenado 22.9MiB May 18, 2022, 6:36 p.m.

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All Credits to HandyDandy for Designing the Cannon and allowing me to share it.

This is highly experimental and has not been tested fully, your mileage/experience may vary.
You'll want to take proper safety precautions and not overload the cannon. So far silverware and slingshot bearings have been tested.

Check the material list for what you will need to build the cannon. There is no guide, nor basis of settings to use at this time.

If anyone test this and would like to report their success and or failures, please DM me on twitter under @dogenado_exe Instagram dogenado.exe or email via

LBRY Tags: art; cannon; 3d printing