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sopmod stock, brace & cleaning kit step file

3d printing custom guns 3.7MiB June 25, 2024, 9:15 p.m.

Furniture Stock Accessory

i reverse engineered a sopmod stock. here is the step file.
this site sells the hardware required for the latch. idk where to get o rings for the plugs.
i made the battery compartments slightly bigger.

i will probably update this file in a while after i've done more testing.

there are an experimental brace and cheek rest included.

there is a recess for this type of sling mount.

updated 6/26/24: minor fitment issues fixed.

updated 6/27/24: i reuploaded with all three versions turned on before exporting as a step file

updated 7/8/24: I added the butt stock cleaning kit (oil bottle, brush holder, and bore snake holder)