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Thingiverse reupload - saiga9 kusa kp9 vityaz magwell by "deltax_msc"

Kalashnikov Prints 755.1KiB April 27, 2024, 12:23 a.m.

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originally uploaded by "deltax_msc" on thingiverse.
All credit for the original design goes to them.
all i am doing is re-uploading these sort of things in an effort to retain said content and similar ak / firearms related content in the event these things get removed for whatever reason.

As stated many times by me, these places tend to be anti-gun and often things get removed (look at cults-3d)
and i believe it is in thingiverse's terms of service that this sort of content isnt supposed to even be allowed, so its a wonder its still up after 2 years. technically they could pull it whenever they want.
January 24, 2022,

Magwell for Saiga 9, TR9 Paradox. Makes it easier to attach the magazine of rifle. Shaft DIN916 M3x8 / M3x10 (8-10 mm long).