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Long gun wall mount

@FecalDisco 25.9KiB April 15, 2023, 3:04 p.m.

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Vertical and Horizontal wall mount for your long guns.
Current wall mounts on the market can be categorized in the following 3 types:
1. Universal but only fits fuddy hunting rifle and shotguns;
2. Only fits AR-15;
3. Universal but requires proprietary mounting base fastened to your wall, such as peg board, ModWall, slot wall panel, etc.
My design is Compatible with almost all shoulder fired small arms in the world (excluding crew served weapon). Personally I have tried AK-47\74, AR-15, M1 Garand, Hakim, FS-2000, L85(airsoft), UMP(airsoft) and SCAR 17S. They all fit.
It also requires no special wall panel. You can fasten these mounts with #8 wood screws.

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; art; firearms