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H-AWCY Sten AR9 lower

Cantonia Customs 5.0MiB Feb. 8, 2024, 5:56 p.m.

No tags

Using the feed ramps and ejector from the AWCY lower pack and the form factor of the Hoffman Super Lower (basic ver), this should give you the best of both worlds.

Sadly some features had to be removed such as the front takedown detents or bolt hold open.

(I forgot to add that you needed the hose clamp from the Hoffman readme, oops)

Note: Untested as of upload. But it shouldn't blow up on you if you assemble it correctly as it's based on the proven Hoffman lower.

2-14-2024 Made an adjustment to the area around the mag catch so it's easier to access.

LBRY Tags: 3dp; guns; fosscad