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The Project 77 was designed to fill a nice that I havent seen anyone else fill. A short, but fat .22lr suppressor that is designed to actually be quiet.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that .22lr suppressors are incredibly easy to make, anyone with a pulse can make one that works like shit.
This is not to say that those people are bad for doing it- this is just the way of things.
Someone in the public OKB-69 chat asked that I make one, so it is done. The Maus, so named because it should be "quieter than the click of a computer mouse", weighs in at about 65 grams and promises maximum suppression for the small size.
Additionally, you are welcome to remix it to your heart's content with the STEP files.
I will not be making other .22lr suppressors at the moment, due to the fact that doing so would only trample the innovation of others in the market.
Consider this my defenitive .22lr design.
You may also use the 5.7x28 or 556 versions of any of my other releases at the risk of looking kinda stupid with half a kilo on the end of your peashooter. But hey, you do you.
Behold, the MAUS!
Testing with subs and supers went favorably. Subs (if they are actually subsonic, because most rifle barrels will turn 22lr subs into supers) are about as quiet as a mouse. just a click and then a tiny flame.
It defenitely makes supers hearing safe (relatively) if you arent standing right in front of a wall to make the sound reflect back at you. At the very least your eardrums wont hurt.
The maus itself has a nominal exterior diameter of 40mm and is 70mm long.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that .22lr suppressors are incredibly easy to make, anyone with a pulse can make one that works like shit.
This is not to say that those people are bad for doing it- this is just the way of things.
Someone in the public OKB-69 chat asked that I make one, so it is done. The Maus, so named because it should be "quieter than the click of a computer mouse", weighs in at about 65 grams and promises maximum suppression for the small size.
Additionally, you are welcome to remix it to your heart's content with the STEP files.
I will not be making other .22lr suppressors at the moment, due to the fact that doing so would only trample the innovation of others in the market.
Consider this my defenitive .22lr design.
You may also use the 5.7x28 or 556 versions of any of my other releases at the risk of looking kinda stupid with half a kilo on the end of your peashooter. But hey, you do you.
Behold, the MAUS!
Testing with subs and supers went favorably. Subs (if they are actually subsonic, because most rifle barrels will turn 22lr subs into supers) are about as quiet as a mouse. just a click and then a tiny flame.
It defenitely makes supers hearing safe (relatively) if you arent standing right in front of a wall to make the sound reflect back at you. At the very least your eardrums wont hurt.
The maus itself has a nominal exterior diameter of 40mm and is 70mm long.