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GC1522v1.1 - A basic Smith & Wesson 15-22 lower receiver

General Custer 66.3MiB June 10, 2024, midnight

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The GC1522 is a Smith & Wesson 15-22 lower, derived off the original SW1522 by nguyenkvvn, itself derived from the DS1913 lower.
It fixes a a large swath of issues with that design, including LRBHO, magwell geometry, and the lack of take-down pins.
.STEP file is included.

This receiver is intended for those who do not wish to deal with all of the reinforcement parts of the GC1522v2 and just want a read-to-use printable receiver.

06/10/24 (GC1522v211): Added updates to bring the GC1522v1 in line with the GC1522v2, including the reliability fix and a slit in the side of the bolt catch roll pin holders to make them act like springs and hole the roll pin in without breaking.

LBRY Tags: sw1522; smith & wesson; ds1913; 15-22; m&p