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Are We Cool Yet Presents- The Automatic Reset Trigger (ART) by: Atthyrighthand

Are We Cool Yet? 28.3MiB Jan. 28, 2024, 8:01 p.m.


over two years of work, hundreds of design variations and test parts, dozens of beta testers, thousands of rounds, and at least two (alleged) felonies later here it is, a 100% diyable automatic reset trigger pack for ar15s and ar9s.
there are currently two models, a hybrid and full sheetmetal pack, the hybrid requires no welding and it held together via friction in the fcg pocket. the full sheetmetal version requires a small amount of welding and a lot more parts to be cut but is a complete stand alone trigger pack.
When the weapon fires, the bolt is FORCED to RESET the TRIGGER, and after making one of these you can go WIDE OPEN with your TRIGGER without worry.

LBRY Tags: art; guns; awcy?; diy; trigger