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Bastard son inside barrel install jig v2

250smacks 115.7KiB Nov. 27, 2024, 9:58 p.m.

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This fits in between the 2 barrel pieces, make sure to install the m3 nuts beforehand, use a spacer in between the 2 nuts to hold them in place (pencil erasers work great), then jb weld them. Fill the inside of the barrels with jb weld and insert this and tighten up nuts on the 1/4" threaded rod to hold it together. Take the spear point jig from my other upload and put it in the chamber pointy side up and shove through the muzzle end until flush with the chamber. Note- use regular jb weld(dries a lot harder than the fast drying kind)

LBRY Tags: fosscad; 3d2a; guns; 3d printing; art