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updated g36 style ar15 handguards and carry handle

3d printing custom guns 1.6MiB Sept. 3, 2022, 3:57 p.m.

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this is an updated version of the g36 style carry handle, it offers better compatibility with the chonky boi receiver and has the ability to hold 6-32 hex nuts instead if threading directly into plastic.

this piece requires a 10.5" pr greater bbl,
a usgi barrel nut,
6x 3/8" 6-32 socket head screws,
6x 6-32 hex nuts
3x 1" 6-32 socket head screws
2x 1.25" 8-32 socket head screws and nuts.

the hand carry handle is fitted to an holosun 503, and requires 2x 1" 6-32 socket head screws. other t1 style red dots may fit but i haven't tried.