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An non-functional art project based on the words written on the shells used by the CEO killer. The original words reported by the media were Deny, Defend, Depose, however police later clarified that the exact words were Deny, Delay, Depose. I have included both in the package so you can choose which you prefer. This slide was designed to fit on the FMDA DD19.2 V1.2 Frame designed by @chairmanwon:a It's hard to tell by the media pictures, but I believe the stipple design the guy printed was the standard stipple.
This will probably fit on any Glock 19.2 frame, but I designed it using the stl found in the "Normal Spring" folder in Chairmanwon's package.
LBRY Tags: art; economics; 3d printing; fosscad; glock
This will probably fit on any Glock 19.2 frame, but I designed it using the stl found in the "Normal Spring" folder in Chairmanwon's package.
LBRY Tags: art; economics; 3d printing; fosscad; glock