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FGC-68 MKII tipx edition: Helix DMAG UAL (UPPER and Lower) set

@UntangleWORKS 13.8MiB July 19, 2022, 10:16 a.m.

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I have updated to a V2022 version this version should take out the barrel wobble.


this is the UAL version of the Helix and DMAG “lower” so this means more parts to reprint in case you already have the standard FGC68TE.
but this does make it a direct feed with your Dmags so you can use them to shoot first strike rounds. if you have TCR or a TiPX long range kit or something in that nature…

in case you got some trouble locking in the mags. it will help to grab the mag and tilt it a bit more to the trigger.

in case you have just a regular TIPX breach block for round ball use then you can still use this set. just keep in mind that you can’t use first strike rounds in that case.

the starter set can be found here:

the collection of FGC68 parts can be found here:

FGC68 MKI (this set is not made for the MKI version)

a video about this lower will be made later:

some of the installation steps that are different from the TIPX lower can be fund in the images for now

parts needed for mag catch.
1x spring 6mm OD, 0.5mm wire, 20mm long
1x m3 bolt in a length of 30mm
1x m3 washer
1x metal pin 4mm OD, 27mm long (a 3d printed part can be used for this)

UNW FGC68MKII new lowers for the T15, TMC and Dmag / helix mags for this magfed paintball marker

FGC68 a small update on the installation of the new lowers for TMC T15 Dmag mags

LBRY Tags: fgc68; fgc68 mkii; paintball; magfed; mcs dmag helix