Release image

Pr.27 Mashina Open Beta Release Pack v0.02

Nikolai Romanov's Library 6.7MiB May 8, 2024, 9:35 p.m.

Suppressor ATF Form 1 Beta Accessory

The Pr.27 Mashina is a mac suppressor with 3/4x10, 7-8x9, and 1-2x28 threads intended to be used with mac submachineguns and achieve good suppression with slightly lower than normal backpressure utilizing a hybrid flow-through system and a high internal volume to reduce even supersonic rounds significantly in noise level. As much as you can with a very light blowback action anyways.

Updated 5/26/24 to to include more thread patterns.

LBRY Tags: 3d2a; suppressor; mac11; nikolai.romanov; okb-69