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STEP files for Zenit RK-0 Angled foregrip.
2x M3x30 SHCS
2x M3 nuts
1x M4x25 CSCS
1x M4 nut
Assembly should be self explanatory I hope.
Print settings:
PLA+ (eSun or Polymaker preferred) or better
4 walls minimum, 6 optimal
75% gyroid infill minimum.
O-ring if needed to assist in water proofing
Bonus Achievement:
- Mount on a pistol
Cat girl edition cap: https://odysee.com/@RandomParts:8/RK0CatGirl:e
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; zenit; rk0; foregrip; zenitco
2x M3x30 SHCS
2x M3 nuts
1x M4x25 CSCS
1x M4 nut
Assembly should be self explanatory I hope.
Print settings:
PLA+ (eSun or Polymaker preferred) or better
4 walls minimum, 6 optimal
75% gyroid infill minimum.
O-ring if needed to assist in water proofing
Bonus Achievement:
- Mount on a pistol
Cat girl edition cap: https://odysee.com/@RandomParts:8/RK0CatGirl:e
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; zenit; rk0; foregrip; zenitco