Release image

ZenitCo RK-0 Foregrip

My random parts that I make for myself/friends 392.9KiB Dec. 9, 2024, 12:34 a.m.

Foregrip Furniture Accessory

STEP files for Zenit RK-0 Angled foregrip.


2x M3x30 SHCS
2x M3 nuts
1x M4x25 CSCS
1x M4 nut

Assembly should be self explanatory I hope.

Print settings:
PLA+ (eSun or Polymaker preferred) or better
4 walls minimum, 6 optimal
75% gyroid infill minimum.

O-ring if needed to assist in water proofing

Bonus Achievement:
- Mount on a pistol

Cat girl edition cap:

LBRY Tags: 3d2a; zenit; rk0; foregrip; zenitco