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M5078-114 "Kotek" - 3D printable ak74 magazine

Reason Armory 39.4MiB Feb. 5, 2023, 5:47 p.m.


The m5078-114 "Kotek" is a 3d printable ak74 magazine. Its design lineage can be traced to the Bulgarian polymer magazines of the 90s and early 2000s. These continued infringements on our right to bear arms should not be tolerated, we believe that not only should you be able to bear arms, but that the arms you bear should not be restricted at the whim of politicians. Standard capacity magazines should be freely available for all to use, and thus we do our civil duty in releasing a variety of magazines. Whether you're an AKM owner, an AK74 owner, or soon a 5.56 ak owner, you should be able to own what you please.

LBRY Tags: ak74; 545; m5078; magazine