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MOD3 VFG Pack V1.2 (Supports Multi-Texture Printing)

QwermMakes 33.0MiB Nov. 5, 2023, 8:19 p.m.

Foregrip Furniture Accessory

MOD3 VFG V1.2 by Qwerm

A vertical foregrip with a slight forward angle inspired by BCM’s Vertical Grip Mod 3. This release includes a Picatinny, M-LOK, and Keymod version. I’ve also included STLs that allow you to print different fuzzy skin settings for different parts of the grip. The included PDF guide walks you through how to set fuzzy skin settings for the side inlay section.

Disclaimer: The Keymod and Picatinny versions have been tested but I cannot guarantee that the M-LOK version fits well.

Change Log:
-Simplified the guide.
-Changed M-LOK mounting interface for better mounting.
-Adjusted M-LOK and Keymod versions for easier printing.

Orientation: Print with the mount side facing down.

Settings Used:
Material: PLA+
Extruder Temp: 60c
Bed Temp: 210c
Layer Height: 0.20mm
Wall Line Count: 5
Infill Percentage: 50-100%
Support: Yes
Support Structure: Tree
Support Placement: Touching Buildplate
Fuzzy Skin: Enabled
Fuzzy Skin Outside Only: Enabled
Fuzzy Skin Thickness: 0.1mm
Fuzzy Skin Density: 10.0/mm

For the Picatinny version you will need:
1x M5 x 30mm Button Head Bolt
1x M5 Nut

Credit to FFFTech for the Picatinny and M-LOK templates.

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; 3d printed; vfg