Release image

UT FMDA DD17.2 (G17 Gen 3)

Undead-Tech 331.8MiB March 7, 2023, 1:08 p.m.

9x19mm Handgun Glock Glock 17

This is a pack of 4 custom prints. I've put a ton a time and work into getting these right, any support is greatly appreciated and if you have any questions/concerns please feel free to comment and I will get back to you. The handle section of the frames were designed by DNL, check them out here The front end on two of the prints was designed by UnseenKiller, check out his page here The sides have been shaved down and TONS of other changes made, I have also included my personal cura profile, please see ReadMe file for more information. These frames are for the G17 Gen 3. This works with the Aves front and rear rail set, if you would like to buy a matching slide and complete parts kit you can find it here
Disclaimer, this has been provided for free for educational purposes. I am not responsible for any actions taken with these files. Use at your own risk under supervision of a professional and within the laws of your own local State/Federal laws.

LBRY Tags: g17; fmda; dd17.2; glock; glock 17