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Here is a modernized stock I designed for the FGC-9 mk2 to give your build a bit of style. The download has 2 stock body versions; the only difference between them being that one has the bolts that mount the stock to the upper hidden and the other has them visible. This is further explained with a provided video and document. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions for this project, or suggestions on what I should make next; feel free to contact or email me at ladindustriesofficial@gmail.com and if you want to support my work feel free to leave a donation as it helps a lot. Finally, thanks to the awesome Fosscad community and thanks and credit to JStark the creator of the FGC-9 and pioneer and legend of the Fosscad community.
LBRY Tags: fgc-9; fgc-9 mk2; fosscad; clankers101; ladindustries
LBRY Tags: fgc-9; fgc-9 mk2; fosscad; clankers101; ladindustries