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Urutau Integral Suppressor ALPHA V0.0011 R4

OKB69 Alpha Mirror 6.6MiB Jan. 21, 2025, 9:45 p.m.

Suppressor ATF Form 1 Unlisted Accessory

TITLE: Urutau Integrated Suppressor (UIS) Filepack

The UIS, in both of its variants, is an integrated suppressor the the Urutau printed gun.

it is intended to be used with either a 4.5 inch or 11 inch barrel in 9mm.
The long one uses an AR barrel, the shorties use only fgc-9 style barrels.

There are two different lengths for both of those barrels respectively.
The 11in barrel version is significantly longer, while the 4,5 inch barrel versions are compact. I am planning on making a longer one for the 4.5in barrel but it will need som development.
the 4.5 inch version comes in a flowthrough and baffled version.
You should do your research and determine what is best for your purposes.
Both the 4.5in versions are able to be used with ported barrels.

I strongly suggest using the flowthrough suppressor unless you intend to use primarily subsonic ammo out of the 4.5. supers will degrade the suppressor relatively quickly with the baffled version.

Please exercise safety and dont be a dumbass. I'm not resposible for your fuckups

LBRY Tags: c:unlisted