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mossberg 500 to ak stock adapter.

Kalashnikov Prints 73.3KiB April 6, 2024, 9:34 p.m.

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Have a mossberg 500 stock laying around? have an ak without a stock? i guess you can get creative and use all the different stocks for mossberg 500's on a ak with the use of this adapter.

Personally, i dont know if it would work or not, but there is a top folding, or rather, overfolding stock for these shotguns kinda like whats in use on the spaz-12, but some company like pro-mag or tapco or something makes it.

Anyhow, anything that is a mossberg 500 stock "should" fit to this adapter, and then now mount to a standard ak rear trunnion.

However - consider this untested.

Kalashnikov prints.