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● Please do not reupload the STEP files anywhere. Please link them to the listing you
found them at.
● Please refer back to my social pages if you make and publish a remix.
● Feel free to monetize remixes that are significant, but I request the files also be
made free on sites like odyssey.
● Please tag me! I love to see what the community has done/is doing with files.
LBRY Tags: step; 3d2a; cantstopthesignal; 9mm; 3dprint
found them at.
● Please refer back to my social pages if you make and publish a remix.
● Feel free to monetize remixes that are significant, but I request the files also be
made free on sites like odyssey.
● Please tag me! I love to see what the community has done/is doing with files.
LBRY Tags: step; 3d2a; cantstopthesignal; 9mm; 3dprint