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Ruger MK1/2/3/4 Rail and Pistol Brace Mount

Booligan Custom Gunworks 848.8KiB Aug. 17, 2021, 10:13 a.m.

22 Long Rifle Ruger Ruger Standard Model

Hey guys, please enjoy this file drop on the beta design for my Ruger MK series railed sleeve, brace mount, and stubby folding BooliBrace variant. I've included files for the standard bull barrel 5.5" version as well as the 22/45 Lite version. I've also included the Step files so you can play around with your specific gun's barrel length if desired.

This SHOULD work on all versions with bull barrels, whether they're MK 1,2,3 or 4, however, you may run into hiccups with screw placement or the takedown button on the MK4. If you try it on something other than the MK3, please note your experiences here!

If you have a loaded chamber indicator, you will need to disable it. This is simple, just disassemble the gun, use a magnet to pull out the pin, and remove the little metal piece that touches the cartridge from the loaded chamber indicator. This will also give you a reliability boost most likely, so it should be done anyways.

LBRY Tags: 3d printing