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CatGat AKM Grip

Laffs Dynamics 7.2MiB Dec. 16, 2022, 3:52 p.m.

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CatGat AKM Grip: Laffs Dynamics

A curved AKM grip, designed for long fingered lads. Has thumb rests on each side.

The widest Laffs Dynamics grip (As of Dec 2022) at 34.4mm wide.

Printer Used: Ender 3 V2

Filament Used: PLA+

Print Settings:

Extruder: 220C
Bed: 56C
First Layer Print Height: .2mm
Standard Layer Height: .16mm
Wall Thickness: .40
Wall Perimeters: 6+
Infill: 28%

Print the grip upside down. No support material is needed.

Hardware Required:

1x AKM Grip Screw


Catboi: Requested this design creation. Gave aesthetic opinions. Provided design parameters for overall size.