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1022 DIY 3D Printed Bolt - ShortandSubsONLY

Video Posting Echo 5.1MiB Dec. 23, 2022, 2:36 p.m.

22 Long Rifle Ruger Ruger 10/22

After months of testing and trials and many failures along the way I decided to release the bolt design that works ONLY with .22 Short and Sub sonic (under 1080 fps with 40 grains or less bullet weight).

The file is password protested and the passwords are in the readme but PLEASE READ IT!

If you blow up your gun or injur yourself you are to blame, this is tested and tried and we have 1,000's of rounds on this design IF you follow the instructions.

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; 3d printed firearms; 1022; ruger 1022; ruger 10/22