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18 inch Threaded EZ22 barrel

General Custer 238.8KiB Nov. 27, 2022, 8:35 p.m.

22 Long Rifle AR-22

This barrel is a complete redesign of the EZ22 barrel, and is designed to be used with the 18" non-threaded Chaszel barrel liner. It consists of two pieces, the breech and the muzzle, which are to be screwed together after being printed.

Muzzle threads are 1/2"x28

Updated with the following features:
1) Barrel has been made skinner to accomodate barrel nuts which may have had threaded inserts installed in order to more securely mount the handguard. It was
observed that many (if not all) of these threaded inserts will poke through the inside of the barrel nut, and the old barrel was too wide to fit inside if that
2) The female threads of the muzzle, which the breech screws into, have been widened/loosened to make for an easier fit.

LBRY Tags: ez22; ez 22; barrel; 18 inch; 18in