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FMDA DD19.2 - 3D Printed Glock 19 Gen3 Frame - Halo Remix By PlastiKrew

PlastiKrew 7.3MiB Aug. 25, 2024, 8 p.m.

9x19mm Handgun Glock Glock 19

This is a remix of the FMDA DD19.2 3D Printable Glock 19 Gen3 frame that can be found on the Gatalog. That awesome design pack came with a ton of cool themed frames, but I wanted to make a very simplistic Halo themed frame. Hopefully Master Chief approves. You can't stop the signal!

Original FMDA DD19.2 download link with all the original instructions etc can be found here

Be careful & enjoy!

LBRY Tags: fmda; dd19.2; halo; g19; 3d printing