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there is a full scale model included as well. but this is just done so you can scale it more easily down to the scale you like in Cura. the stand is made to hold 4 models. it will work with the UNW low rail and normall rail models. and also the original MKI that just had a short rail on top.
most if not all minis are scaled down to 1 to 6 scale for those action figures. but I must stay 1/3 or 1/4 scale is fun to hold in your hands as well it shows up just that more details. so can be fun as a model to paint.
I also printed a 1 to 12 scale fgc9 mini model. but that get a bit rough with just a 0.4mm nozzle it works probably better with the 0.2mm nozzle. but I was amazed that it even printed that small.
LBRY Tags: fgc-9 mini; fgc; scale model; miniature; fgc-9 mkii
most if not all minis are scaled down to 1 to 6 scale for those action figures. but I must stay 1/3 or 1/4 scale is fun to hold in your hands as well it shows up just that more details. so can be fun as a model to paint.
I also printed a 1 to 12 scale fgc9 mini model. but that get a bit rough with just a 0.4mm nozzle it works probably better with the 0.2mm nozzle. but I was amazed that it even printed that small.
LBRY Tags: fgc-9 mini; fgc; scale model; miniature; fgc-9 mkii