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SAR LIKE A B6 - A SAR B6 Classic Style Frame

Kukitan (Kapusta) 58.2MiB Feb. 28, 2024, 2:50 p.m.

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This remix is based on the work of FMDA. Originally a EAA Witness Polymer Frame, I came across a version that was compatible with the SAR B6 line of firearms. My source frame likely was the one that DB Firearms and MPRTECH worked on but I cant be certain anymore.
If you're interested in their project, take a peek here -
Honestly, check out that project first as it'll have some really good info on the parts and compatibility, I wont be stealing their thunder here ;)

That aside, I made some changes to the base design which I felt made the frame feel nicer and viola, heres a nice classic frame that matches the SAR slides really nicely.

LBRY Tags: fosscad; 2a; sar; sar b6