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AWCY? Presents: The Gatlatl by Zer0fux and Co.

Are We Cool Yet? 10.7MiB Feb. 26, 2022, 10:38 a.m.


New from thy highest in estimation artists; the most wondrous device since the mechanical turk. A combination of the arbalest and the flintlock; hath said to cometh from davinici's diary itself 'r possibly from the oriental trade routes through the dark continent. the future sits hither with thee the present day. Art we merit yet? presents: the gatlatl 1077. Nev'r alloweth yourself beest best'd by a knave again and protect thy cart from road bandits with this;
a. 22 blank cartridge arrow launching rifle straight from the mind of zer0fux and available to all commoners and serfs without requiring permission from his majesty

LBRY Tags: art; gun; 3d printed; arrow; awcy