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ARMP5 V0.13 - 3D Printable MP5 Lower for AR FCGs

UberPoor 10.2MiB Dec. 21, 2023, 8:05 p.m.

9x19mm PCC H&K Beta MP5

Open beta for my MP5 lower. Similar to the @unhappyarms:c cetme/g3 lower used in @meatbanana42069:5 's Super Safety release, however this lower was made from the ground up based on the KF5. It features better ergonomics and aesthetics (imo), on top of that it doesn't require any sheet metal inserts for the rear pin and uses a simpler M3 bolt + spacer approach to the ejector pin, rather than the bolt + square nut and washers that the Unhappyarms' lower utilizes.

This is still very much a work in progress, I have another version of the lower that will have an M16 cut for @S3igu2:c 's MP5 compatible FRT, on top of that I have ideas in the works for an even more robust and simpler method for pinning the ejector in place. As it stands now, expect to have to replace the ejector spacer every couple hundred rounds.

Included is a version that utilizes @db-firearms:4 's AR FCG reinforcement plate, which hasn't been tested yet, so I highly encourage trying it out if you're able to. I think it would greatly improve the longevity of the pin holes.

Feel free to provide feedback here, on rocket chat, or DM me on my Twitter (No, I do not mean "X", I will never call it that). Happy printing.

Side note: Technically, this should be useable with MP5-10/40's and HK93's, however I cannot attest to their useability. I could not get the lower to work with my HK93 for one big reason, a fixable reason, but a fix I wasn't willing to perform. HK's above 9mm have a much larger gap between the carrier and the bolt itself during operation that results in the hammer getting stuck in that gap (which is why the OEM trigger group has that weird, long crescent hammer), in order to fix that, without affecting function, the best thing to do is round off the area where the carrier meets the bolt. This is a problem that's addressed in Unhappyarms' documentation as well.

***Christmas Eve Edit: Accidentally fucked up while packing the files and only just now noticed thanks to a kind soul on reddit, the fullsize pinned lower accidentally got replaced with K versions, it's fixed now. Sorry if you wasted filament on the wrong lower. Merry Christmas

LBRY Tags: fosscad; guncad; gun; 3d printing; 3d2a