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FGC9 MKII / MKIISD no sling mount upper

@UntangleWORKS 2.3MiB July 16, 2022, 6:50 a.m.

9x19mm FGC-9 Hybrid Firearm

this the same upper just with out the sling mount on it. ow with sling mount like the original MKII upper.

what makes this a MKIISD upper? the only difference with the MKII model is that there is a space added for the bolts at the barrel retainer. this idea was taken from the FGC9 SD
what can be found here:
but this will prevent the barrel from rotating. or give the bolts in your shaft collars more space in case those are longer then normal

UNW FGC9 FGC6 FGC68 how I broke my low rail... so you don't do the same

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LBRY Tags: fgc9; fgc9 mkii; fgc9 mkiisd; 3d files; fgc9mkiisd