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Anarchy A - Firebolt Magwell 5.56 Bolt Catch

YZYPrints' Forbidden Knowledge Emporium 5.7MiB Aug. 23, 2021, 8:06 p.m.

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This is a package containing 4 STL's - The (R) and (L) magwell panels for the
5.56 UBolt Bolt-Catch Firebolt, and two different size "A" inlay files
correlating to their respective magwell sides.

Both magwells have an inlay of 1mm in the same exact shape as the "A" inlay files.
The "A" STL's are 2mm tall, meaning they protrude by 1mm out of the magwell plates.
I added a couple dabs of superglue and let the glue set while the inlay was held
with pressure on a bench vise for a few minutes. If your e-steps and flow are
properly calibrated you shouldn't have to trim.

Grip is the balance grip from @FFFTech

LBRY Tags: firebolt magwell; magwell; 3d printed; deterrence dispensed; firebolt