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BRN-180 Charging Handle Nub

Ched.Wards Prints 58.8MiB Feb. 10, 2023, 12:40 p.m.

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I really like the BRN-180 upper but it has some things I dont like as much. First is the charging handle. There is a different one on the sport variants Brownells sells but I don't think they are selling those individually. I then found someone was selling a printed nub online and though that couldn't be too difficult to make a copy of. Its really bare bones right now and I plan to revisit this and add some kind of knurling or surface texture.

This is designed to fit a M3x4 threaded brass insert and a M3 flat countersunk screw cut to about 13m. Included in the files is a blank model that can be drilled to fit what ever hardware you want. A .stp of each is also included with a hastely reverse engineered charging handle model.

I recommend printing this at .2 mm and 100% infill with 4 or more shells with supports. So far I've must made witht he same PLA+ and should be fine in ABS and PETG or even nylon. I've even considered making it in TPU just for fun.

LBRY Tags: brn-180; guns; awcy?; shooting sports; 3d printing