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AR9 Feed Cone Jig (for AWCY feed ramp AR9s)

Cantonia Customs 27.1KiB April 1, 2024, 11:05 a.m.

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Jig for dremeling an AR9 feed cone (namely designs that use the AWCY feed ramps) to allow it to feed defensive hollow points (without this mod you'll have trouble trying to make your AR9 feed hornady XTPs). AR9 barrel with indexing pin required.

When dremeling the key is to dremel out the bevel of the original feed cone within the area defined by the jig. You shouldn't need to make the case more unsupported than it already is.

UPDATE: Added a "no index pin" version which is just a circle telling you the outer diameter of the new feed cone (you will need to dremel out the entire circle at an angle due to no index pin)

LBRY Tags: fosscad; 3dp2a