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@FecalDisco 1.2MiB Dec. 8, 2022, 5:16 p.m.

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It included any combination from the following attributes:
Attaching method - Cloth loop molle, laser cut molle, 1.5" gun belt, competition belt
Compatibility - Handgun, SMG, Rifle
Configuration: Single decker, Double decker, Double decker for single stack handgun

This is my latest comprehensive design for magazine pouches. All my old designs are discontinued and will probably be deleted. Please do not download my old magazine pouch designs.
I am really burned out on this project and probably will not update it anymore. I don't think it needs anymore update neither.

**Tested magazines:**

Glock 9mm/.45, CZ TSO 9mm, USP .45, Pardini 9mm, Hudson H9 9mm, Keltec CMR-30/CP33.1911, Tokarev, CZ 52, Luger P08, S&W Model 41, and HK P7.

Intermediate – STANAG, AK-47/74, CZ Bren 2 7.62*39
Full power – SCAR-17, FAL, SR-25
12GA – JTS M12AR

9mm – MP5, B&T, Sten, Uzi (airsoft), Glock extended, Sig MPX
.45 – Vector (extended glock magazine), UMP (airsoft), Grease gun

**Known issues:**

Single decker SMG pouch can fit 1 UMP 45 magazine but double decker cannot fit 2
of them. Sig MPX magazines are also very tight for the double decker. I
don’t recommend using this magazine pouch with old SMG such as Sten or
Grease gun because the half-moon shaped over insertion stop on their
magazines will rip-off the anti-slip tape inside the magazine pouch.
These old magazines fit but will cause damage to magazine pouch.

Beretta 9mm 15 round fits a bit loose in the handgun pouch. double stack Concealed carry
handgun magazines with a slimmer profile may fit loose as well. Double
decker for single stack handgun magazine pouch can fit two 10 round 1911
magazines but is very tight.

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; art; firearms; sport