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## Intro
Introducing the Mother FuckiNg 22 (MFN22). This is my redesign of a few of my favourite 3D printed guns.
I hope it shoots, shoots well, and you have fun with it :)
## Attribution
This was developed based on the following projects
- Mod9v2 and v3 open source files
- FGC9 open source files
- Mussy's accessory pack (Mod22x https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4859555/files)
- ImmortalRevolt's FCG
- noketchup's FGC22
This project uses the Mod9v2 ejection system and frame. The Mod9v3 lower.
It uses a FGC9 Fire Control Group.
The folding butt stock is from Mussy's MOD22X accessory pack.
## Status
This program is in alpha and is untested.
## Contributing
Join the matrix group or leave a comment.
If you find bugs/errors let me know.
LBRY Tags: mfn22; 22lr; 3d printed; gun cad
Introducing the Mother FuckiNg 22 (MFN22). This is my redesign of a few of my favourite 3D printed guns.
I hope it shoots, shoots well, and you have fun with it :)
## Attribution
This was developed based on the following projects
- Mod9v2 and v3 open source files
- FGC9 open source files
- Mussy's accessory pack (Mod22x https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4859555/files)
- ImmortalRevolt's FCG
- noketchup's FGC22
This project uses the Mod9v2 ejection system and frame. The Mod9v3 lower.
It uses a FGC9 Fire Control Group.
The folding butt stock is from Mussy's MOD22X accessory pack.
## Status
This program is in alpha and is untested.
## Contributing
Join the matrix group or leave a comment.
If you find bugs/errors let me know.
LBRY Tags: mfn22; 22lr; 3d printed; gun cad