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Nordic Components Rail - SR22 and SR556

Doodly Booper 189.7KiB Sept. 25, 2024, 11:02 p.m.

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If you have an old handguard made by Nordic Components and it uses the NC1 or NC2 spec (it definitely does), this will work.
These handguards came standard on the Ruger SR556 and SR22 10/22.
You could also use these on other handguards if you really wanted to. I only made these out of necessity for my SR22 because I like the handguard on it.

I have revisited this to add more lengths with mounting screws.
If you want to make your own changes, the .stp file is included as well as the .stl.

LBRY Tags: sr22; sr556; nordic components; fosscad