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AWCY? Presents: The AR we cool yet by atthyrighthand

Are We Cool Yet? 95.0MiB April 27, 2022, 6:08 p.m.


Got an old Sten mag kicking around you wish you could use for something, well fire up your printer and make yourself a Sten mag fed AR9. Maybe you purchased a PPS43 kit that came with mags but figured out far too late that you cant weld. well you can now put those mags to good use in a custom PPS43 mag fed AR9. Or just maybe you long for a MP5 but cant afford to even look at the kits, let alone buy one, don't worry, cause now you can LARP around your living room with a bootleg mp5 mag fed AR9. Vityaz, Evo, M3 Grease gun, colt, the options are endless. (options subject to ending.)

LBRY Tags: art; guns; awcy?; 3d printing