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@S3igu2 10.1MiB Oct. 8, 2023, 12:31 p.m.

Rifle Unlisted AR-15

SF FRT V7 (Select Fire Forced Reset Trigger) for M16 cut. High shelf or low shelf lowers as well as SIG MCX firearms.
This trigger is a mixture of Hoffman Tacticals original FRT and Klaviermeisters select fire setup with modifications made by me.
I added some material in some areas to improve durability and the most important change disengaging
the locking bar in semi to make the trigger feel a lot more normal to a standard ar15 semi auto trigger.

If you have any questions contact me on twitter @s3igu2 or @s3igu2

Non printed parts required
- x1 M16A2 burst trigger
- x1 M16 disconnector
- x1 AR15 disconnector spring
- x1 Full auto 3 Position selector
- x1 AR15 hammer (make sure it has the tail at the end)
- x1 AR15 trigger spring
- x2 AR15 anti walk pins for full drop in
- x1 AR15 Drop In Hammer Spring
- x1 AR-15 bolt hold open spring
- x1 3/8" long by 3/32" dia I just cut down this one

Printed parts required
- x1 Universal drop in housing
- x1 Hit Arm N 00 or your needed hight
- x1 Locking Bar with arm for m16 cut lowers or with no arm for standard cut lowers

-----Print Settings-----

All STL files are oriented correctly STEP files are not oriented correctly for printing do not print the step files
Good support settings are required for the Locking Bar and hit arm.

Print settings for trip bar and hit arm
- Walls: 3 DO NOT go higher it will wear the part out faster.
- Infill: 100% rectilinear
- Layer Height 0.15mm
- Nozzle: 0.4mm
- Support are needed
- Temperature: Nozzle 225C bed 55C
- Material: Polymaker PLA Pro / Any PLA Pro

(Optional) layer width settings. X1C / P1P
- Default: 0.50mm
- First Layer: 0.50mm
- Outer Wall: 0.45mm
- Inner Wall: 0.50mm
- Top Surface: 0.40mm
- Sparse Infill: 0.50mm
- Internal Solid Infill: 0.50mm
- Support: 0.50mm

LBRY Tags: frt; fosscad; ar15; guns; triggers; c:unlisted