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B&T USW at home remix

Fighting tyrants one day at a time 11.3MiB Nov. 28, 2023, 1:15 a.m.

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This design is utilizing Booligans USW at home G17 lower that fits Glock 19 gen 3 uppers and mixes it with a side folding brace button design, designed by none other than Middleton Made. The beavertail has been reinforced with a good amount of extra material to withstand a great amount of pressure when squeezing it into the shoulder. With the length of the G17 grip, there's no issue reaching the trigger. I've also included a QD mount point for single point sling use.

parts needed:
Glock 19 gen 1-3 internals kit
Glock 19 gen 1-3 slide and barrel
an extra mag release button and spring for the mag holder

(faux suppressor in the photo for the ATF types, not real)

LBRY Tags: 3d print; art; 3d printing; guns; gun