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# Sussy Sights
## Remina
Dude, you just shot a Afghani child, that's sus!
To accurately take down Old Yeller when hes acting a little too sus!
These are sights styled after among us imposter, and a dead crewmate. They are certainly inaccurate, and using iron sights is a better bet. They may very well not attach, or even fall apart after a few shots.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; guns; sights; gun sight; among us
## Remina
Dude, you just shot a Afghani child, that's sus!
To accurately take down Old Yeller when hes acting a little too sus!
These are sights styled after among us imposter, and a dead crewmate. They are certainly inaccurate, and using iron sights is a better bet. They may very well not attach, or even fall apart after a few shots.
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; guns; sights; gun sight; among us