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Im still working out the issues in my final design and its amazing how simple some of the parts can be made.
One notable part is the belt feed sprocket. Seen here in two parts, this required a torsion spring that I made myself, unable to find a suitable one. Possibly the hardest part of the build apart from timing.
Now ive found a cheap source for said component. The release date definitely isnt as soon as I had hoped but its much closer now.
This is the 20th ieteration of this part, and it descends from a long complicated list of versions of this part, going all the way back to when I had built the first prototype as a motor driven battery operated feeding mechanism.
While simplifying the design to make this easier to produce, I am also simaltaneously keeping room to expand. This design can be upscaled to an ar10 platform, this design can be converted to use other calibers ARs are chambered in, and other belts that hold those cartridges.
If there are reasonable requests for things along these lines sound off below.
If there are unreasonable requests find my paypal.
LBRY Tags: 3d print; belt fed; ar15; stubbs
One notable part is the belt feed sprocket. Seen here in two parts, this required a torsion spring that I made myself, unable to find a suitable one. Possibly the hardest part of the build apart from timing.
Now ive found a cheap source for said component. The release date definitely isnt as soon as I had hoped but its much closer now.
This is the 20th ieteration of this part, and it descends from a long complicated list of versions of this part, going all the way back to when I had built the first prototype as a motor driven battery operated feeding mechanism.
While simplifying the design to make this easier to produce, I am also simaltaneously keeping room to expand. This design can be upscaled to an ar10 platform, this design can be converted to use other calibers ARs are chambered in, and other belts that hold those cartridges.
If there are reasonable requests for things along these lines sound off below.
If there are unreasonable requests find my paypal.
LBRY Tags: 3d print; belt fed; ar15; stubbs