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The Fair Deal - A Variable-Capacity Printable Magazine for the Smith & Wesson 15-22 Platform

General Custer 17.4MiB June 10, 2024, midnight

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The Fair Deal is a printable magazine for the S&W 15-22 platform. It was inspired by The Square Deal magazine, but has been designed from the ground up to be cheaper and easier to print and assemble.

The Fair Deal uses Black Dog Machine magazine springs as opposed to factory S&W 15-22 magazine springs, meaning the cost per magazine is between $3 - $5 depending on the size of magazine printed and the number of springs ordered to offset the cost of shipping.

The Fair Deal comes in 5 capacities - 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 rounds.

The Fair Deal is compatible with factory Smith & Wesson 15-22s, the GC1522v2 and GC1522v1, and CMMG-based AR22s using the Better Mag Adapter.

.STEP files are included.

LBRY Tags: 15-22; cmmg; gc1522; 1522; square deal