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BWA-AMMO: Hilti Stripper tool

@UntangleWORKS 458.7KiB July 28, 2022, 8:26 a.m.

9x19mm FGC-9 Hybrid Firearm

it's best to watch the video about it. not that this a complicated tool but I show some tips how to use it so it's faster/more easy to use it.

print this with 100% infill it might be a bit over kill but then it will not break on you wille using it. if you want to save some material.. you could go with 8 layer wall thickness and lets say 40% infill. but I leave that up to you.

link to the movie:

LBRY Tags: bwa-ammo; hilti; fgc; fgc-9; fgc-9 mkii